Linguistics Personal Statement Example
When writing a linguistic personal statement, it is important to understand exactly what is it that would ideally constitute a linguistic personal statement example. Even though it is not quite hyperbole to purport that the underlying common feature of all personal statement is a clear, crisp and comprehensive account of you, your personality, and (quite importantly) your character. This document should posit compelling reasons for the readers to be able to judge you through it, and be impressed as a consequence, which is (in very simple words) the objective of this exercise.
Sample: Herein, you may find a personal statement for linguistics that should yield an insight into the nature of a typical (not a stretch to say: archetype) document of this nature:
My first tryst with a language other than my mother tongue was when I was four years old. Up until this moment, my mother tongue was pretty much the only language that I knew, given that yes, I had been acquainted with other languages that existed around me, it could be a slight exaggeration to say that I was grossly oblivious to it all, but essentially speaking that was not far from the reality, but what could I say, I was four.
So, when I first started my schooling we were now officially taught two other languages in other to our mother tongue. I can say, with honesty from each atom of my existence, that the ubiquity of the universal mode of communication was apparent to me right away.
I realize now that the epiphanies that I had as a child were not quite the ground breaking revelations that they seems to me at that point, they, nevertheless, opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities and realities.
By the age of ten, I was, naturally, completely a polyglot in the three languages being taught in school, but that wasn’t the end of it. I had learnt by then, two other languages, one was the mother tongue of the help that we had at home, the other was that of my best friend. I knew in my heart, my love of languages, and the exploration of the world of communication was what I was meant to center my life, eventually, around.
I pursued my bachelor’s degree in linguistics as a natural ramification of my aptitudes, and it was during this time that I really began to see the world in all its wonder. I worked in several projects during my bachelor’s and assisted in several ongoing research projects and studies being undertaken at my university. This experience was, simply put, enriching.
I now want to pursue my master’s degree from your university, and I will be honored if given the opportunity to be a part of your university.
Call to action: Clearly, it is observable that the above letter renders an understanding into the background for the motivation of the writer as to the degree and nature of his or her penchant for the field of study. The enthusiasm, and the drive to work are furthermore evident. Such a document speaks volumes as to the extent of one’s honest love for the field. Our writers, through years of experience, are highly capable of producing such compelling letters for you and writing journalism personal statement or international relations personal statement.